Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Another night at work

I closed usher tonight at work...
The good things:
  • I found 5 dollars in the theatre
  • I found 2 pennies...
  • I watched a little bit of the movie Up
  • I love how I can get free popcorn and drinks

The down things:

  • I worked with a girl that is very annoying

All in all, it wasn't too bad...

So does anyone have any ideas on how to get yourself in habit to exercise...because I stink at doing that.........

Oh, and today I made some wonderful spaghetti for Kyle and myself when he got home from school. I need to improve a little, but all in all it was pretty good :) It had flavor, although I need to add some more spice. Kyle & I talked about what I needed to improve on and we agreed on what was missing. We also had yummy toast with it.

Tomorrow Kyle doesn't have class, so YAYYY!! :) It'll be a good day...although I work 6 to close again. lame.

But I am so proud of Kyle, he is doing so well in school! So yay!

Well, I'm gonna go now.


P.S. Is there a trick to either fall asleep quickly or to atleast sleep well??? Because hasn't been working out well for me.

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